The speech begins. 7:38 PM.
State of the Region
The President's Address
A recap of the previous year
Everyone is attentive
Some are not attentive
Moshe looks interested
So the year was great!
New Board: Keep Standards
We must fix membership next year
TO numbers are pretty good though
THIRTY FOUR people are going to Israel from SWUSY (11%)
We rock. Seriously.
Daniel is blurred with excitement
Chapter Presidents: Please Rise.
Joel: You are the rockenest Comm VP ever.
Thank you Joel
Nathan and Joel Hug
Melissa: You give SATO a new meaning
Thank you Melissa
Brian: Mem/kad for life
Thank you Brian
Brian grabs his gift and runs
Daniel: A REC and a best friend
Thank you Daniel
Nathan and Daniel prepare to hug
Daniel gets away with his gift
Aaron: The best IA VP I've ever seen
Thank you Aaron
Nathan and Aaron go in for the hug
The speech ends. 8:23 PM.
8:23 - 7:38 = 45 minutes